Process & Initiative

A wide angle view from treetops, looking out over lush hill tops

Landowner Process

  • Step 1

    Landowner Engagement

    CGC approaches the landowner to educate them on the conservation banking business model and negotiate terms.

  • Step 2

    Site Due Diligence

    Upon agreement, CGC performs detailed site due diligence to confirm suitability for conservation objectives and USFWS approval.

  • Step 3

    Conservation Agreement

    Terms of the conservation agreement are negotiated, and a detailed management plan is developed.

  • Step 4

    USFWS Approval

    CGC works with the hands on with the USFWS to achieve conservation bank approval, which could take months or years.

  • Step 5

    Credit Transaction

    Once approved, credits are released for sale, and the credit transaction is consummated, with proceeds distributed to all parties.

  • Step 1

    Landowner Engagement

    CGC approaches the landowner to educate them on the conservation banking business model and negotiate terms.

  • Step 2

    Site Due Diligence

    Upon agreement, CGC performs detailed site due diligence to confirm suitability for conservation objectives and USFWS approval.

  • Step 3

    Conservation Agreement

    Terms of the conservation agreement are negotiated, and a detailed management plan is developed.

  • Step 4

    USFWS Approval

    CGC works with the hands on with the USFWS to achieve conservation bank approval, which could take months or years.

  • Step 5

    Credit Transaction

    Once approved, credits are released for sale, and the credit transaction is consummated, with proceeds distributed to all parties.

Step 1

Landowner Engagement

CGC approaches the landowner to educate them on the conservation banking business model and negotiate terms.

Step 2

Conservation Agreement

Terms of the conservation agreement are negotiated, and a detailed management plan is developed.

Step 3

Site Due Diligence

Upon agreement, CGC performs detailed site due diligence to confirm suitability for conservation objectives and USFWS approval.

Step 4

USFWS Approval

CGC works with the hands on with the USFWS to achieve conservation bank approval, which could take months or years.

Step 5

Credit Transaction

Once approved, credits are released for sale, and the credit transaction is consummated, with proceeds distributed to all parties.

Credit Customer Process


Are we going to impact the Lesser Prairie Chicken?

Use the 2014 and 2021 Lesser Prairie Chicken guidance to determine the level of impact and potential options to offset impacts.


Are we going to impact the Lesser Prairie Chicken?

Use the 2014 and 2021 Lesser Prairie Chicken guidance to determine the level of impact and potential options to offset impacts.


Are we going to impact the Lesser Prairie Chicken?

Use the 2014 and 2021 Lesser Prairie Chicken guidance to determine the level of impact and potential options to offset impacts.


Are we going to impact the Lesser Prairie Chicken?

Use the 2014 and 2021 Lesser Prairie Chicken guidance to determine the level of impact and potential options to offset impacts.


Are we going to impact the Lesser Prairie Chicken?

Use the 2014 and 2021 Lesser Prairie Chicken guidance to determine the level of impact and potential options to offset impacts.


Decide between Voluntary or Regulatory Options

Voluntary = Make an investment in LPC Conservation that will enable a responsible project and/or give you credit towards your corporate biodiversity goals. Regulatory = Enroll in our HCP to get coverage.


Decide between Voluntary or Regulatory Options

Voluntary = Make an investment in LPC Conservation that will enable a responsible project and/or give you credit towards your corporate biodiversity goals. Regulatory = Enroll in our HCP to get coverage.


Decide between Voluntary or Regulatory Options

Voluntary = Make an investment in LPC Conservation that will enable a responsible project and/or give you credit towards your corporate biodiversity goals. Regulatory = Enroll in our HCP to get coverage.


Decide between Voluntary or Regulatory Options

Voluntary = Make an investment in LPC Conservation that will enable a responsible project and/or give you credit towards your corporate biodiversity goals. Regulatory = Enroll in our HCP to get coverage.


Decide between Voluntary or Regulatory Options

Voluntary = Make an investment in LPC Conservation that will enable a responsible project and/or give you credit towards your corporate biodiversity goals. Regulatory = Enroll in our HCP to get coverage.


Credit Purchase

Once the number of mitigation acres is determined, enter into a credit purchase agreement that can be tied to a voluntary transaction or an HCP.


Credit Purchase

Once the number of mitigation acres is determined, enter into a credit purchase agreement that can be tied to a voluntary transaction or an HCP.


Credit Purchase

Once the number of mitigation acres is determined, enter into a credit purchase agreement that can be tied to a voluntary transaction or an HCP.


Credit Purchase

Once the number of mitigation acres is determined, enter into a credit purchase agreement that can be tied to a voluntary transaction or an HCP.


Credit Purchase

Once the number of mitigation acres is determined, enter into a credit purchase agreement that can be tied to a voluntary transaction or an HCP.

Save the Chicken

Save the Prairie

Find Common Ground

Know a development in your area that's going to affect chickens? Are you a landowner who wants to get paid for preserving the prairie? Reach out

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Get in Touch

Get in Touch

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Spreed awareness

Share the story to your networks on social media and spread the word of how we all can play a part in saving this iconic American ecosystem






Let's get in touch

Are you a Rancher or Energy Developer?


See if your ranch can support a conservation bank that pays you to do what you do best, maintain your land the right way.Secure your family legacy

Energy Developers

Find out if Common Ground can protect your development from regulatory challenges and bureaucratic headaches.